

API Endpoint:


2 .then((res) => res.json()) // Parse the JSON content from the API to be consumed
3 .then((json) => console.log(json)) // Log the JSON response to your console
4 .catch((error) => console.error(error)) // Log the API error (if any) to your console


2 {
3 "name": "Sand Crawler",
4 "model": "Digger Crawler",
5 "manufacturer": "Corellia Mining Corporation",
6 "cost_in_credits": "150000",
7 "length": "36.8 ",
8 "max_atmosphering_speed": "30",
9 "crew": "46",
10 "passengers": "30",
11 "cargo_capacity": "50000",
12 "consumables": "2 months",
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19 "created": "2014-12-10T15:36:25.724000Z",
20 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.661000Z",
21 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/4"
22 },
23 {
24 "name": "T-16 skyhopper",
25 "model": "T-16 skyhopper",
26 "manufacturer": "Incom Corporation",
27 "cost_in_credits": "14500",
28 "length": "10.4 ",
29 "max_atmosphering_speed": "1200",
30 "crew": "1",
31 "passengers": "1",
32 "cargo_capacity": "50",
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39 "created": "2014-12-10T16:01:52.434000Z",
40 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.665000Z",
41 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/6"
42 },
43 {
44 "name": "X-34 landspeeder",
45 "model": "X-34 landspeeder",
46 "manufacturer": "SoroSuub Corporation",
47 "cost_in_credits": "10550",
48 "length": "3.4 ",
49 "max_atmosphering_speed": "250",
50 "crew": "1",
51 "passengers": "1",
52 "cargo_capacity": "5",
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59 "created": "2014-12-10T16:13:52.586000Z",
60 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.668000Z",
61 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/7"
62 },
63 {
64 "name": "TIE/LN starfighter",
65 "model": "Twin Ion Engine/Ln Starfighter",
66 "manufacturer": "Sienar Fleet Systems",
67 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
68 "length": "6.4",
69 "max_atmosphering_speed": "1200",
70 "crew": "1",
71 "passengers": "0",
72 "cargo_capacity": "65",
73 "consumables": "2 days",
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78 "https://swapi.info/api/films/2",
79 "https://swapi.info/api/films/3"
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81 "created": "2014-12-10T16:33:52.860000Z",
82 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.670000Z",
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84 },
85 {
86 "name": "Snowspeeder",
87 "model": "t-47 airspeeder",
88 "manufacturer": "Incom corporation",
89 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
90 "length": "4.5",
91 "max_atmosphering_speed": "650",
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94 "cargo_capacity": "10",
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99 "https://swapi.info/api/people/18"
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104 "created": "2014-12-15T12:22:12Z",
105 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.672000Z",
106 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/14"
107 },
108 {
109 "name": "TIE bomber",
110 "model": "TIE/sa bomber",
111 "manufacturer": "Sienar Fleet Systems",
112 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
113 "length": "7.8",
114 "max_atmosphering_speed": "850",
115 "crew": "1",
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117 "cargo_capacity": "none",
118 "consumables": "2 days",
119 "vehicle_class": "space/planetary bomber",
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123 "https://swapi.info/api/films/3"
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125 "created": "2014-12-15T12:33:15.838000Z",
126 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.675000Z",
127 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/16"
128 },
129 {
130 "name": "AT-AT",
131 "model": "All Terrain Armored Transport",
132 "manufacturer": "Kuat Drive Yards, Imperial Department of Military Research",
133 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
134 "length": "20",
135 "max_atmosphering_speed": "60",
136 "crew": "5",
137 "passengers": "40",
138 "cargo_capacity": "1000",
139 "consumables": "unknown",
140 "vehicle_class": "assault walker",
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142 "films": [
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144 "https://swapi.info/api/films/3"
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146 "created": "2014-12-15T12:38:25.937000Z",
147 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.677000Z",
148 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/18"
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150 {
151 "name": "AT-ST",
152 "model": "All Terrain Scout Transport",
153 "manufacturer": "Kuat Drive Yards, Imperial Department of Military Research",
154 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
155 "length": "2",
156 "max_atmosphering_speed": "90",
157 "crew": "2",
158 "passengers": "0",
159 "cargo_capacity": "200",
160 "consumables": "none",
161 "vehicle_class": "walker",
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164 ],
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169 "created": "2014-12-15T12:46:42.384000Z",
170 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.679000Z",
171 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/19"
172 },
173 {
174 "name": "Storm IV Twin-Pod cloud car",
175 "model": "Storm IV Twin-Pod",
176 "manufacturer": "Bespin Motors",
177 "cost_in_credits": "75000",
178 "length": "7",
179 "max_atmosphering_speed": "1500",
180 "crew": "2",
181 "passengers": "0",
182 "cargo_capacity": "10",
183 "consumables": "1 day",
184 "vehicle_class": "repulsorcraft",
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189 "created": "2014-12-15T12:58:50.530000Z",
190 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.681000Z",
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192 },
193 {
194 "name": "Sail barge",
195 "model": "Modified Luxury Sail Barge",
196 "manufacturer": "Ubrikkian Industries Custom Vehicle Division",
197 "cost_in_credits": "285000",
198 "length": "30",
199 "max_atmosphering_speed": "100",
200 "crew": "26",
201 "passengers": "500",
202 "cargo_capacity": "2000000",
203 "consumables": "Live food tanks",
204 "vehicle_class": "sail barge",
205 "pilots": [],
206 "films": [
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208 ],
209 "created": "2014-12-18T10:44:14.217000Z",
210 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.684000Z",
211 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/24"
212 },
213 {
214 "name": "Bantha-II cargo skiff",
215 "model": "Bantha-II",
216 "manufacturer": "Ubrikkian Industries",
217 "cost_in_credits": "8000",
218 "length": "9.5",
219 "max_atmosphering_speed": "250",
220 "crew": "5",
221 "passengers": "16",
222 "cargo_capacity": "135000",
223 "consumables": "1 day",
224 "vehicle_class": "repulsorcraft cargo skiff",
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228 ],
229 "created": "2014-12-18T10:48:03.208000Z",
230 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.688000Z",
231 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/25"
232 },
233 {
234 "name": "TIE/IN interceptor",
235 "model": "Twin Ion Engine Interceptor",
236 "manufacturer": "Sienar Fleet Systems",
237 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
238 "length": "9.6",
239 "max_atmosphering_speed": "1250",
240 "crew": "1",
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242 "cargo_capacity": "75",
243 "consumables": "2 days",
244 "vehicle_class": "starfighter",
245 "pilots": [],
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248 ],
249 "created": "2014-12-18T10:50:28.225000Z",
250 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.691000Z",
251 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/26"
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253 {
254 "name": "Imperial Speeder Bike",
255 "model": "74-Z speeder bike",
256 "manufacturer": "Aratech Repulsor Company",
257 "cost_in_credits": "8000",
258 "length": "3",
259 "max_atmosphering_speed": "360",
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262 "cargo_capacity": "4",
263 "consumables": "1 day",
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273 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.693000Z",
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276 {
277 "name": "Vulture Droid",
278 "model": "Vulture-class droid starfighter",
279 "manufacturer": "Haor Chall Engineering, Baktoid Armor Workshop",
280 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
281 "length": "3.5",
282 "max_atmosphering_speed": "1200",
283 "crew": "0",
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287 "vehicle_class": "starfighter",
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291 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
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293 "created": "2014-12-19T17:09:53.584000Z",
294 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.697000Z",
295 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/33"
296 },
297 {
298 "name": "Multi-Troop Transport",
299 "model": "Multi-Troop Transport",
300 "manufacturer": "Baktoid Armor Workshop",
301 "cost_in_credits": "138000",
302 "length": "31",
303 "max_atmosphering_speed": "35",
304 "crew": "4",
305 "passengers": "112",
306 "cargo_capacity": "12000",
307 "consumables": "unknown",
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310 "films": [
311 "https://swapi.info/api/films/4"
312 ],
313 "created": "2014-12-19T17:12:04.400000Z",
314 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.700000Z",
315 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/34"
316 },
317 {
318 "name": "Armored Assault Tank",
319 "model": "Armoured Assault Tank",
320 "manufacturer": "Baktoid Armor Workshop",
321 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
322 "length": "9.75",
323 "max_atmosphering_speed": "55",
324 "crew": "4",
325 "passengers": "6",
326 "cargo_capacity": "unknown",
327 "consumables": "unknown",
328 "vehicle_class": "repulsorcraft",
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330 "films": [
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332 ],
333 "created": "2014-12-19T17:13:29.799000Z",
334 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.703000Z",
335 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/35"
336 },
337 {
338 "name": "Single Trooper Aerial Platform",
339 "model": "Single Trooper Aerial Platform",
340 "manufacturer": "Baktoid Armor Workshop",
341 "cost_in_credits": "2500",
342 "length": "2",
343 "max_atmosphering_speed": "400",
344 "crew": "1",
345 "passengers": "0",
346 "cargo_capacity": "none",
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352 ],
353 "created": "2014-12-19T17:15:09.511000Z",
354 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.705000Z",
355 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/36"
356 },
357 {
358 "name": "C-9979 landing craft",
359 "model": "C-9979 landing craft",
360 "manufacturer": "Haor Chall Engineering",
361 "cost_in_credits": "200000",
362 "length": "210",
363 "max_atmosphering_speed": "587",
364 "crew": "140",
365 "passengers": "284",
366 "cargo_capacity": "1800000",
367 "consumables": "1 day",
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373 "created": "2014-12-19T17:20:36.373000Z",
374 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.707000Z",
375 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/37"
376 },
377 {
378 "name": "Tribubble bongo",
379 "model": "Tribubble bongo",
380 "manufacturer": "Otoh Gunga Bongameken Cooperative",
381 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
382 "length": "15",
383 "max_atmosphering_speed": "85",
384 "crew": "1",
385 "passengers": "2",
386 "cargo_capacity": "1600",
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396 "created": "2014-12-19T17:37:37.924000Z",
397 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.710000Z",
398 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/38"
399 },
400 {
401 "name": "Sith speeder",
402 "model": "FC-20 speeder bike",
403 "manufacturer": "Razalon",
404 "cost_in_credits": "4000",
405 "length": "1.5",
406 "max_atmosphering_speed": "180",
407 "crew": "1",
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409 "cargo_capacity": "2",
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418 "created": "2014-12-20T10:09:56.095000Z",
419 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.712000Z",
420 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/42"
421 },
422 {
423 "name": "Zephyr-G swoop bike",
424 "model": "Zephyr-G swoop bike",
425 "manufacturer": "Mobquet Swoops and Speeders",
426 "cost_in_credits": "5750",
427 "length": "3.68",
428 "max_atmosphering_speed": "350",
429 "crew": "1",
430 "passengers": "1",
431 "cargo_capacity": "200",
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436 ],
437 "films": [
438 "https://swapi.info/api/films/5"
439 ],
440 "created": "2014-12-20T16:24:16.026000Z",
441 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.714000Z",
442 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/44"
443 },
444 {
445 "name": "Koro-2 Exodrive airspeeder",
446 "model": "Koro-2 Exodrive airspeeder",
447 "manufacturer": "Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation",
448 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
449 "length": "6.6",
450 "max_atmosphering_speed": "800",
451 "crew": "1",
452 "passengers": "1",
453 "cargo_capacity": "80",
454 "consumables": "unknown",
455 "vehicle_class": "airspeeder",
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460 "https://swapi.info/api/films/5"
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462 "created": "2014-12-20T17:17:33.526000Z",
463 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.716000Z",
464 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/45"
465 },
466 {
467 "name": "XJ-6 airspeeder",
468 "model": "XJ-6 airspeeder",
469 "manufacturer": "Narglatch AirTech prefabricated kit",
470 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
471 "length": "6.23",
472 "max_atmosphering_speed": "720",
473 "crew": "1",
474 "passengers": "1",
475 "cargo_capacity": "unknown",
476 "consumables": "unknown",
477 "vehicle_class": "airspeeder",
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484 "created": "2014-12-20T17:19:19.991000Z",
485 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.719000Z",
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487 },
488 {
489 "name": "LAAT/i",
490 "model": "Low Altitude Assault Transport/infrantry",
491 "manufacturer": "Rothana Heavy Engineering",
492 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
493 "length": "17.4",
494 "max_atmosphering_speed": "620",
495 "crew": "6",
496 "passengers": "30",
497 "cargo_capacity": "170",
498 "consumables": "unknown",
499 "vehicle_class": "gunship",
500 "pilots": [],
501 "films": [
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503 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
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505 "created": "2014-12-20T18:01:21.014000Z",
506 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.723000Z",
507 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/50"
508 },
509 {
510 "name": "LAAT/c",
511 "model": "Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier",
512 "manufacturer": "Rothana Heavy Engineering",
513 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
514 "length": "28.82",
515 "max_atmosphering_speed": "620",
516 "crew": "1",
517 "passengers": "0",
518 "cargo_capacity": "40000",
519 "consumables": "unknown",
520 "vehicle_class": "gunship",
521 "pilots": [],
522 "films": [
523 "https://swapi.info/api/films/5"
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525 "created": "2014-12-20T18:02:46.802000Z",
526 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.725000Z",
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528 },
529 {
530 "name": "AT-TE",
531 "model": "All Terrain Tactical Enforcer",
532 "manufacturer": "Rothana Heavy Engineering, Kuat Drive Yards",
533 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
534 "length": "13.2",
535 "max_atmosphering_speed": "60",
536 "crew": "6",
537 "passengers": "36",
538 "cargo_capacity": "10000",
539 "consumables": "21 days",
540 "vehicle_class": "walker",
541 "pilots": [],
542 "films": [
543 "https://swapi.info/api/films/5",
544 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
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546 "created": "2014-12-20T18:10:07.560000Z",
547 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.728000Z",
548 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/53"
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550 {
551 "name": "SPHA",
552 "model": "Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery",
553 "manufacturer": "Rothana Heavy Engineering",
554 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
555 "length": "140",
556 "max_atmosphering_speed": "35",
557 "crew": "25",
558 "passengers": "30",
559 "cargo_capacity": "500",
560 "consumables": "7 days",
561 "vehicle_class": "walker",
562 "pilots": [],
563 "films": [
564 "https://swapi.info/api/films/5"
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566 "created": "2014-12-20T18:12:32.315000Z",
567 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.731000Z",
568 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/54"
569 },
570 {
571 "name": "Flitknot speeder",
572 "model": "Flitknot speeder",
573 "manufacturer": "Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective",
574 "cost_in_credits": "8000",
575 "length": "2",
576 "max_atmosphering_speed": "634",
577 "crew": "1",
578 "passengers": "0",
579 "cargo_capacity": "unknown",
580 "consumables": "unknown",
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588 "created": "2014-12-20T18:15:20.312000Z",
589 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.735000Z",
590 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/55"
591 },
592 {
593 "name": "Neimoidian shuttle",
594 "model": "Sheathipede-class transport shuttle",
595 "manufacturer": "Haor Chall Engineering",
596 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
597 "length": "20",
598 "max_atmosphering_speed": "880",
599 "crew": "2",
600 "passengers": "6",
601 "cargo_capacity": "1000",
602 "consumables": "7 days",
603 "vehicle_class": "transport",
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605 "films": [
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607 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
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609 "created": "2014-12-20T18:25:44.912000Z",
610 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.739000Z",
611 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/56"
612 },
613 {
614 "name": "Geonosian starfighter",
615 "model": "Nantex-class territorial defense",
616 "manufacturer": "Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective",
617 "cost_in_credits": "unknown",
618 "length": "9.8",
619 "max_atmosphering_speed": "20000",
620 "crew": "1",
621 "passengers": "0",
622 "cargo_capacity": "unknown",
623 "consumables": "unknown",
624 "vehicle_class": "starfighter",
625 "pilots": [],
626 "films": [
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629 "created": "2014-12-20T18:34:12.541000Z",
630 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.742000Z",
631 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/57"
632 },
633 {
634 "name": "Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike",
635 "model": "Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike",
636 "manufacturer": "Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation",
637 "cost_in_credits": "15000",
638 "length": "3.5",
639 "max_atmosphering_speed": "330",
640 "crew": "1",
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642 "cargo_capacity": "10",
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661 "max_atmosphering_speed": "unknown",
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676 "name": "Droid tri-fighter",
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694 },
695 {
696 "name": "Oevvaor jet catamaran",
697 "model": "Oevvaor jet catamaran",
698 "manufacturer": "Appazanna Engineering Works",
699 "cost_in_credits": "12125",
700 "length": "15.1",
701 "max_atmosphering_speed": "420",
702 "crew": "2",
703 "passengers": "2",
704 "cargo_capacity": "50",
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706 "vehicle_class": "airspeeder",
707 "pilots": [],
708 "films": [
709 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
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711 "created": "2014-12-20T20:20:53.931000Z",
712 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.756000Z",
713 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/69"
714 },
715 {
716 "name": "Raddaugh Gnasp fluttercraft",
717 "model": "Raddaugh Gnasp fluttercraft",
718 "manufacturer": "Appazanna Engineering Works",
719 "cost_in_credits": "14750",
720 "length": "7",
721 "max_atmosphering_speed": "310",
722 "crew": "2",
723 "passengers": "0",
724 "cargo_capacity": "20",
725 "consumables": "none",
726 "vehicle_class": "air speeder",
727 "pilots": [],
728 "films": [
729 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
730 ],
731 "created": "2014-12-20T20:21:55.648000Z",
732 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.759000Z",
733 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/70"
734 },
735 {
736 "name": "Clone turbo tank",
737 "model": "HAVw A6 Juggernaut",
738 "manufacturer": "Kuat Drive Yards",
739 "cost_in_credits": "350000",
740 "length": "49.4",
741 "max_atmosphering_speed": "160",
742 "crew": "20",
743 "passengers": "300",
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747 "pilots": [],
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749 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
750 ],
751 "created": "2014-12-20T20:24:45.587000Z",
752 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.762000Z",
753 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/71"
754 },
755 {
756 "name": "Corporate Alliance tank droid",
757 "model": "NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer",
758 "manufacturer": "Techno Union",
759 "cost_in_credits": "49000",
760 "length": "10.96",
761 "max_atmosphering_speed": "100",
762 "crew": "0",
763 "passengers": "4",
764 "cargo_capacity": "none",
765 "consumables": "none",
766 "vehicle_class": "droid tank",
767 "pilots": [],
768 "films": [
769 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
770 ],
771 "created": "2014-12-20T20:26:55.522000Z",
772 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.765000Z",
773 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/72"
774 },
775 {
776 "name": "Droid gunship",
777 "model": "HMP droid gunship",
778 "manufacturer": "Baktoid Fleet Ordnance, Haor Chall Engineering",
779 "cost_in_credits": "60000",
780 "length": "12.3",
781 "max_atmosphering_speed": "820",
782 "crew": "0",
783 "passengers": "0",
784 "cargo_capacity": "0",
785 "consumables": "none",
786 "vehicle_class": "airspeeder",
787 "pilots": [],
788 "films": [
789 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
790 ],
791 "created": "2014-12-20T20:32:05.687000Z",
792 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.768000Z",
793 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/73"
794 },
795 {
796 "name": "AT-RT",
797 "model": "All Terrain Recon Transport",
798 "manufacturer": "Kuat Drive Yards",
799 "cost_in_credits": "40000",
800 "length": "3.2",
801 "max_atmosphering_speed": "90",
802 "crew": "1",
803 "passengers": "0",
804 "cargo_capacity": "20",
805 "consumables": "1 day",
806 "vehicle_class": "walker",
807 "pilots": [],
808 "films": [
809 "https://swapi.info/api/films/6"
810 ],
811 "created": "2014-12-20T20:47:49.189000Z",
812 "edited": "2014-12-20T21:30:21.772000Z",
813 "url": "https://swapi.info/api/vehicles/76"
814 }
What is this ?

The Star Wars API, or "swapi" (Swah-pee) is the world‘s first quantified and programmatically-accessible data source for all the data from the Star Wars canon universe!

We‘ve taken all the rich contextual stuff from the universe and formatted into something easier to consume with software. Then we went and stuck an API on the front so you can access it all!

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